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Viasox SEO

Generated substantial organic traffic on search engines using SEO methods.

Case Study Outcomes in Ecommerce SEO That We Take Pride In

Viasox SEO

The E-commerce domain, particularly in the compression socks niche, is highly competitive. Boosting leads and sales is crucial for sustaining and expanding your E-commerce business. Implementing E-commerce SEO as a digital marketing tactic can enhance the visibility of automotive websites in search engine results. Integrating E-commerce SEO into your digital marketing strategy is essential – without it, you risk falling behind your competitors. Our proven expertise in E-commerce SEO spans various industries. Dominate your online market in your specialty and E-commerce services with a successful SEO strategy, steering business exactly to where it is most essential.


Organic Traffic


Growth in organic earnings


Fresh rankings for pages


Digitalinear Ltd was approached by Viasox due to a downturn in their organic traffic and revenue. They aimed to match their competitors in search rankings and elevate their key keywords to Google’s first page. Shabnum exceeded these expectations.



Our SEO audits uncovered technical challenges that were impeding the website’s progress. Collaboratively, we identified and resolved these issues, thereby establishing a robust base for sustained growth.

To comprehend the reasons behind their competitors’ higher rankings, we delved into an extensive analysis of their competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. Following this, we crafted and executed a strategy aimed at bridging any content gaps they had. We expanded the website significantly by developing more than 110 new landing pages and generated blog posts to establish and reinforce topical authority in this highly competitive field.


Presently, the website is experiencing its highest ever organic user traffic. It not only regained its initial traffic volume but also surpassed it. This resurgence saw a 90% surge in organic sessions, alongside a notable 215% increase in organic revenue. Owing to our SEO strategy, Viasox now ranks on Google’s first page and #1 rank for key search terms such as ‘diabetic compression socks’, ‘compression socks for diabetics’, ‘compression socks diabetes’, ‘multi colored diabetic socks’, ‘diabetic stockings’, ‘socks diabetic’, and ‘best compression socks for diabetes’, markedly enhancing the brand’s visibility.

This success was entirely attributed to Shabnum, the SEO head, whose extraordinary dedication and personal involvement in each project made it possible.

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