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Proper Genies PPC

A PPC campaign aimed at attracting clients for buying and renting through a real estate agency



Proper Genies PPC

Proper Genies faced challenges in attracting traffic and queries, prompting them to reach out to Digitalinear for an immediate boost in website visitors. Eager for a swift increase in traffic, they embraced our recommendation of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, which led to an immediate surge in traffic to their site.


Increase in organic traffic


campaign views


Conversion rate


Proper Genies, a relatively new real estate firm with limited history in the online marketplace, was facing challenges in garnering both organic and inorganic traffic. In response, we initiated a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign to address these issues.


We crafted an impactful campaign through Google Adwords, focusing on targeting individuals seeking to buy or rent properties, thereby boosting the company’s return on investment (ROI).

With a carefully formulated bid strategy and customized mobile settings, our Google PPC campaign delivered remarkable results.


The results were outstanding, with a 100% increase in traffic on Google search engines. Our campaign generated an impressive number of website views, exceeding 340,000, and achieved an exceptional conversion rate of 72%.

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